Posted : May 22, 24

Category : Company

Manufacture of complex, long construction components and machine parts using proprietary technology for folding stainless steel sheets like ORIGAMI"! / "Amazing Made in Japan Tech" by O.F. INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.

This is the state-of-the-art technology developed by Japanese SMEs. At the MOBIO Tech Hall and MOBIO WEB site, search for "The Latest Made in Japan Tech" to improve product features and functions. Various long stainless steel samples are introduced, including escalator parts, handrails, and hanging rails on train doors.

On May 14, participants were able to casually ask anything, such as "Is it possible to make the necessary modifications to the dies because all the dies are made in-house?", "Is door rails are installed to the trains outside Japan?" at the MOBIO Cafe Meeting.



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*Formed according to product features: Roll drawing or roll extrusion

*Improved strength even for thin and thick plates: Reinforced with necessary bending structure

*Combination of bending and rolling: Cost effective process compared to machining

For detailed explanation, watch this video.


Please visit the MOBIO Tech Hall to see the latest technologies of exhibitors. Click here for a list of exhibitors.